Falmouth Mediation divorce mediation

Understanding Divorce Mediation
Divorce can be one of the most difficult times in your life. You are going through a total upheaval that affects nearly every part of your day-to-day existence. It’s disorienting to have everything suddenly uncertain. It can be hard to think clearly, understand how things will affect you in the long run, and know what questions to ask in order to get the information you need.
Whether you want the divorce, are opposed to it, or really don’t know what you want right now (which is not unusual), you’re probably worried about your financial security, your children, and your entire life plan. A divorce is a major change and has the added double whammy of being not only a complicated emotional transition, but also a detailed legal proceeding. It’s natural to feel a bit lost, confused, angry, hurt, and sad all at once as you try to come to grips with your situation and work through everything that must be done.
Most individuals do not have the specific knowledge necessary for making fully informed decisions about the financial and legal aspects of divorce. I will provide you with the information that is required to reach the best settlement for your particular situation and we can draft a divorce agreement that is acceptable to the court and insure that your interests and goals are reflected in that settlement.
Further, even in the best of circumstances, the end of a significant relationship involves such intense emotions that it is difficult for two people to resolve issues on their own. I allow each person to have their feelings, without those feelings spilling over and jeopardizing your ability to reach fair agreements.
The reality of a divorce court trial is that most litigants walk out of the courtroom feeling as if they have just been run over by a truck. The winner often finds his or her enthusiasm dampened by the warning they hear from their lawyer to prepare for the next legal round, when their soon-to-be-ex-spouse will appeal the judge’s decision. An appeal means another trial, more money, and, of course, the emotional trauma that seems to have no end.
In a mediated divorce you and your spouse make the final decisions and have the security of a professional who will look out for your best interests.
If you and your spouse could benefit from structured assistance in making decision during your divorce, contact Falmouth Mediation for a free, no-obligation, private, confidential consultation. I will be happy to discuss the key details of your situation, address any concerns and help you decide if divorce mediation would be beneficial.