Falmouth Mediation divorce mediation

About Me
I assist couples and families making the difficult life transition of divorce as a private mediator through Falmouth Mediation, MWI, and in the Barnstable and Nantucket County Courts with Cape Mediation. I am a member of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators and the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation.
As the founder of Falmouth Mediation, I bring over 25 years of experience helping individuals and organizations resolve conflict. I professionally trained with MWI (formerly Mediation Works, Inc.) of Boston in 1997 and later with Cape Mediation. I have also completed advanced Divorce Mediation Training and the Barnstable County Bar Association's Family and Probate Conciliation Training.
Through my relationships with MWI, Cape Mediation, and adjunct professionals on the Upper Cape, I work in partnership with other experienced mediators and experts with diverse backgrounds including legal proficiency in family law, divorce, litigation and probate matters, accounting and tax advising, financial planning, real estate, business evaluation, and mental health counseling to help my clients make their own responsible decisions to resolve matters and find the best solution for all concerned.
I hold a Masters of Education and a Masters of Regional Planning from the University of Massachusetts and have had special training as a Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. I am a former board member and President of the Falmouth Education Foundation, a former member and Chair of the Falmouth School District's School Committee, and former board member and Treasurer of the Falmouth STEM Boosters. I am also a third-degree black belt in Tang Soo Do and teacher at the Seven Stars Academy of Martial Arts.
I moved to Falmouth in 1974 were I still live with my wife and son.

Listen to the podcast of my interview on WCAI's The Point talking about how divorce mediation provides an amicable resolution to partnerships and allows couples to maintain control of the process and outcome. My interview starts at the 32 minute mark.
What Makes Falmouth Mediation Unique?
Falmouth Mediation offers:
Experience – Over 25 years of conflict resolution expertise as well as collaborative relationships with a wide range of adjunct professionals.
Affordability – Fees on a sliding scale determined by your income level.
Convenience and scheduling flexibility – daytime and evening hours available in our centrally located, handicapped-accessible office in Falmouth.
“I have a heartfelt belief that people deserve fair, constructive, and affordable resolutions to their disputes. As a mediator I have a sense of both privilege and responsibility in assisting people in resolving tough problems and conflicts. I am in awe of the ability of people, even when confronted with terrible problems, to find creative, peaceful solutions.”
Standards of Practice
As a member of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM), I subscribe to the APFM Standards of Practice for Profession Family Mediators. In summary, these professional standards of conduct state that a professional family mediator shall:
Recognize that mediation is based upon the principle of self-determination by the participants.
Be qualified by education and training to undertake the mediation. A family mediator shall acquire and maintain professional competence in mediation.
Facilitate the participants' understanding of what mediation is and assess their capacity to mediate before the participants reach an agreement to mediate.
Conduct the mediation process in an impartial manner. A professional family mediator shall disclose all actual and potential grounds of bias and conflicts of interest reasonably known to the mediator.
Fully disclose and explain the basis of any compensation, fees and charges to the participants.
Structure the mediation process so that the participants make decisions based on sufficient information and knowledge.
Maintain the confidentiality of all information acquired in the mediation process, unless the mediator is required to reveal the information by law or permitted to reveal the information by agreement of the participants.
Acquire specialized training and be competent in order to mediate disputes between parents regarding the special needs and circumstances of their children.
Acquire special training to screen, set protocols, and mediate when domestic violence is at issue for either party.
Suspend or terminate the mediation process when the mediator reasonably believes that a participant is unable to effectively participate, or for other compelling reason.
Be truthful in advertising and soliciting for mediation.
Act in a manner that advances the professional practice of family mediation.